

Search term posters have been found 6 times.

Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object - 7th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology…

…smelting in Hungary - videofilm Posters EXHIBITION Secrets of iron Photo Gallery . . Dear colleagues, We hearby inform You that the new date for the…

…Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology-Posters


Europski dani arheologije/ Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/ European Archaeology Days 2022…

…by clicking on wall posters or pictures of objects. The exhibition is interactive, clicking on the posters opens the…

Millenniums between rivers - archaeology between rivers…

…topics, contributions to the "Posters" session are welcome. The registration fee for participation in the meeting (both members of the…

Ceramics, People and Places. The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages…

…are English and Croatian. Posters in English are also accepted (vertical length/horizontal width 100 x 70 cm). Croatian presentation…

Hrvoje… Kalafatić…

…abroad with presentations and posters, and he worked on several exhibitions as reviewer and advisor.…


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