

Search term media have been found 91 times.

Scientific program of the Institute…

…as well as their mediating or driving role within a particular social system. The mechanisms of interaction and the…

Roman Economy in Dalmatia: production, distribution and demand in the light of pottery workshops…

(RED) (HRZZ Research Projects, IP-11-2013-3973) The thematic research focuses on defining and reconstructing the comprehensive spatial organization of Roman ceramic…

Textile remains in archaeology…

The material evidence of textiles and textile production are very scant. Weights and spindle-whorls are what remains of looms…

Glass production and trade during antiquity and the Middle Ages…

…Since the analysis of mediaeval glass has been carried out only by sites, our aim is to put forward…

Churches, cemeteries and burial rites in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period…

…quality of living of mediaeval and early modern populations. The approach is interdisciplinary, taking archaeology as the starting point…

Mediaeval fortifications and settlements: processes of territorial and social organization in the interfluve of the Drava and Sava rivers…

…Ivančan 2nd International Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology "Mediaeval Settlements in the Light of Archaeological Sources" (Book of Abstracts) ZIA6 (2nd International…

…the structure of the mediaeval society

…the structure of the mediaeval society. Juraj Belaj

The Northern Croatian Littoral in the context of an antique defence system…

…civilian settlements in the immediate hinterland of the defence system, which did not stop to function during the periods…

Mediaeval archaeological heritage of Croatia (5th-17th century)…

…light on the comprehensive mediaeval archaeological heritage of the continental and Mediterranean parts of Croatia by means of basic…

The mediaeval settlement of northern Croatia in the light of archaeological sources…

…over time. 2. Certain mediaeval sites lying along major watercourses show that settlements shifted to neighbouring positions, exhibiting recognizable…

Gora – Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary…

…of the most important mediaeval communications leading from Petrinja to Glina and Topusko and further towards the Adriatic. The…

Ivanec – Castle…

…Ivanec. Beneath the mentioned mediaeval layer there was another similar layer, but brown, with finds from Antiquity, bearing testimony…

Kaptol Castle in Kaptol near Požega…

…fort. In addition to mediaeval structures and layers, the investigations yielded also a number of recent, modern-period and Baroque…

Virovitica - Korija…

…the presence of a mediaeval site were found at this place. The excavation covered the entire surface of the construction…

The Fortified Town of Krapina…

…the core of the mediaeval fortified town, in the western part of the narrow elongated plateau of the upper…

Kurilovec - Belinščica…

…the relief of the immediate environment of the Kurilovec-Belinščica site. By combining the obtained data with the data collected…

St. Martin’s church in Mala Črešnjevica…

…was erected on a mediaeval elevated earthen fortification, situated on a prominent position in the village of Mala Črešnjevica.…

Prozorje (Martin-Breg) – St. Martin's Church…

…the site of the mediaeval church of St. Brice.

Orešac – Luka and Dvorina…

…this stone in the immediate vicinity of the cemetery points to a connection between these two positions. A sondage excavation…

Poljana Križevačka 2…

…a prehistoric and a mediaeval settlement. The earliest traces of habitation are related to the Copper Age Lasinja culture,…

Archaeological zone Stancija Blek-Sv. Križ, near Tar…

…was first mentioned in mediaeval sources in the 983 charter of Otto II, mentioning praedium (...) Turrim quae est…


…part of the early mediaeval settlement was investigated in the north-eastern part of the present-day settlement in Sotin. The chronologically…

Sveta Ana-Gradina…

…with finds of late mediaeval tableware and kitchenware, animal bones and a few glass and metal objects. The densely…

Torčec – Prečno pole I…

…order to identify early mediaeval settlement structures. Five different ceramic groups were distinguished based on an analysis of the ceramic…

Virje – Volarski Breg/Sušine…

…and structures, which were immediately endangered by intensive farming. Due to this, an excavation was carried out in 2010,…

Klenovec Humski-mediaeval fortified town Vrbovec

Mediaeval Vrbovec was indirectly mentioned in historical written sources already in 1267, and directly as castrum Vrbouch in 1354.…

Voćin – Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary…

…discovered in the layer immediately below the Gothic floor. A cluster of graves in the southern part of the…

Beketinci – Bentež…

…prehistoric, early- and late mediaeval site at Bentež near the village of Beketinci, AN 18, on the route of…

St. Lawrence’s Church in Crkvari…

…younger phase of late mediaeval graves of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century; the older phase…


Gudovac-Gradina is a lowland mediaeval earthen fortification situated in the northern part of the village of Gudovac, around 7…

Gradišče near Margečan…

…not even know its mediaeval name. The Institute of Archaeology carried out test sondage excavations of the fortification in 2004,…


…a prehistoric and a mediaeval settlement. The site lies south of the village of Grabrić. It was discovered during…

Fortified Town of Dubovac…

…the remains of the mediaeval church of St. Michael can still be discerned. Historical sources suggest that before the…


…of Buzadovec. In the mediaeval context, this was the territory of the large and important Križevci County within the…

Zvonimirovo – garden of house no. 34…

…finds of prehistoric and mediaeval pottery. It was established that in all likelihood the entire elevation now occupied by…

Virovitica-Kiškorija jug…

…remains of Roman and mediaeval settlements, clustering on two elevated positions separated by a 50 m distance. This discontinuation…

Torčec - Rudičevo…

…burnt stone and several mediaeval potsherds. In 2006, a test archaeological excavation was carried out in two trenches that covered…

Torčec - Ledine…

…with fragments of early mediaeval pottery was observed during ploughing in 1997. Over the next couple of years the…

Torčec – Gradić…

The mediaeval lowland earthen fortification with a moat filled with water, and a rampart with prominent corners, Gradić or…

Stobreč (Epetion)…

…geophysical surveys in the immediate surroundings of the Hellenistic rampart on the northern side of the peninsula (outside of…

Poljana Križevačka 1…

…remains of the late mediaeval settlement. In the assemblage of movable finds, potsherds, heaters and fragments of iron objects…

Mali Tabor Castle…

The mediaeval archaeological site of the Mali Tabor castle/palace is situated on the westernmost slopes of Mount Kostelska gora…

Danube Limes in Vukovar-Syrmia County…

…Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the program is to gather more…

Archaeological topography of the island of Rab…

…Ministry of culture and media of the Republic of Croatia, local communities, especially through Lopar Culture centre, and by…

Tar - Stancija Blek…

…Ministry of culture and media of the Republic of Croatia, Tar-Vabriga/Torre-Abrega Municipality and Tourist board, Italian Ministry of Foreign…

Villae rusticae in Roman Dalmatia (islands of Central Dalmatia: Brač - Novo Selo Bunje; Hvar - Kupinovik, Ježe)…

…Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the Municipality of Selca and the VILLEADRI program (l'Ecole…

Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places…

…International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places Dear colleagues! We invite you…

Adri Amphorae Workshop…

We are pleased to invite You to a round table discussion organized within the RED and AdriaS (HRZZ) projects: Amphorae…

…International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology

…International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology, entitled Sacralisation of Landscape and Sacred Places. The meeting was held on the…

Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past - 4th International Scientific Conference of the Medieval archeology…

…International Scientific Conference on MediaevalArchaeology of the Institute of ArchaeologyFortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the pastDear colleagues!We…

Late Bronze Age mortuary practices and society in the Carpathian Basin…

Late Bronze Age mortuary practices and society in the Carpathian Basin Zagreb, 9-10th February 2017 Library of the Croatian Academy of…

Monumental landscapes of the Early Iron Age in the Danube area - project presentation…

Project information…

Identifying black-glazed pottery productions in the central Mediterranean: an interdisciplinary approach…

Program and Abstracts…

Project presentation “Monumentalized Early Iron Age Landscapes in the Danube river basin” and Lecture at the Croatian Embassy in…


Exploring the Neighborhood: The Role of Ceramics in understanding place in the Hellenistic world…

3rd IARPotHP (International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period e. v. ) CONFERENCE: EXPLORING THE NEIGHBORHOOD.…

Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past - 4th International Scientific Conference of the Medieval archeology…

Abstracts book Programme More on conference web page…

Officine per la produzione di ceramica e vetro in epoca romana. Produzione e commercio nella regione adriatica e oltre…

Dear colleagues, we are pleased to invite you to the 4th international archaeological colloquy in Crikvenica, which will be…

The 5th Geoarchaeological Conference…


Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times - 5th International Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology…


EU project “Iron-Age-Danube” in the final of the RegioStars Awards 2018…

…our project! DG REGIO’s social media accounts (twitter, Facebook) Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF)…

…International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology

…International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology Using landscape in the Middle Ages in the light of interdisciplinary research Preliminary programme Programme and…

Roads and rivers, pots and potters in Pannonia…

Invitation to Round table Roads and rivers, pots and potters in Pannonia. Interactions, analogies and differences 11 – 12 November 2019 Zagreb -…

…International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology

…Internatinal Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology organized by the Institute of Archaeology and entitled Secrets of iron – from…

South connection: Spreading of the Urnfield phenomena…


Prehistoric Communities along the Danube…


Roads and rivers 2: transformation of life along the communications from Roman times to middle ages…

Dear colleagues, Given the uncertainty and limited movement related to the pandemic caused by the Covid 19 virus, the gathering…

Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/European Archaeology Days/#Archeorama…

As part of the Europski dani arheologije / Journées Européennes de l’archéologie / European Archaeology Days, join us in…

…International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology-Posters


…International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology


Eating and drinking along ancient roads and rivers: Study opportunities, archaeological sources and open issues about diet habits…

Dear colleague, We are pleased to announce the organization of a scientific conference in Zagreb „Eating and drinking along ancient roads…

Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/ European Archaeology Days…

The Institute of Archaeology is a scientific institution with activities that cover all periods, from Prehistory to the early…

Scientific conference: The unusual in usual…

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the programme of upcoming conference: The unusual in usual: small finds-household items, pottery, jewelry; the…

Military Orders and Their Heritage - International Conference…

…8th International Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology entitled Military Orders and Their Heritage, organised by the Institute of Archaeology in…

Europski dani arheologije/ Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/ European Archaeology Days 2022…

The Institute of Archaeology is a scientific institution with activities that cover all periods, from Prehistory to the early…

Connecting cruise 2022…

Connecting cruise 2022 We hereby invite you to the event of the project *Living Danube Limes* cruise on the Danube on…

Between Global and Local: Adriatic Connectivity from Protohistory to the Roman Period…


Millenniums between rivers - archaeology between rivers…

…of Culture and the media, research on the Danube Limes was set up as a strategic project within the…

Consumption of ceramics in the Adriatic from protohistory to the early Roman period: micro-scale and macro-narrative…

On 2nd – 3rd November 2023 the round table Consumption of ceramics in the Adriatic from protohistory to the early…

European Archaeology Days/ Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/ Europski dani arheologije 2023…

The Institute of Archaeology is a scientific institution with activities that cover all periods, from Prehistory to the early…

Ceramics, People and Places. The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages…

…International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology Ceramics, People and Places The Significance of Ceramics for…

Ceramics, People and Places: the Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages…

…International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology entitled Ceramics, People and Places: the Significance of…

Ceramics, People and Places: the Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages…

…International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology entitled Ceramics, People and Places: the Significance of…

European Archaeology Days/ Journées Européennes de l’Archéologie/ Europski dani arheologije 2024…

…one of the primary media for writing in ancient times. (The workshop was designed by: Lea Bakić) Workshop: Roman zodiac…

Military Orders and Their Heritage - International Conference…

…8th International Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology entitled Military Orders and Their Heritage, organised by the Institute of Archaeology in…

European Archaeology Days/ Journées Européennes de l’Archéologie/ Europski dani arheologije 2024…

…one of the primary media for writing in ancient times. (The workshop was designed by: Lea Bakić) Workshop: Roman zodiac…

Juraj… Belaj…

…projects dealing with Croatia’s mediaeval archaeological heritage: “Mediaeval Archaeological Heritage of Continental Croatia” (1997-2002), “Mediaeval Archaeological Heritage of Croatia”…

Kristina… Jelinčić Vučković…

…the research projects “The Mediaeval Archaeological Heritage of Croatia (5th-16th century)“ (2004-2006)“ and “The Mediaeval Archaeological Heritage of Croatia…

Ivana… Ožanić Roguljić…

…the prehistoric, Roman and mediaeval period, mostly in Croatia, but also in France. Her research interests are topics from…

Bartul… Šiljeg…

…projects dealing with Croatia’s mediaeval archaeological heritage: “Mediaeval Archaeological Heritage of Continental Croatia (1997-2002), “Mediaeval Archaeological Heritage of Croatia…

Marina… Ugarković…

…exhibitions, publications in the media..) are aimed as an attempt to bring her research closer to the general public. Her…

Tatjana… Tkalčec…

…“The Defensive System of Mediaeval Slavonia - Archaeological View” at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of…


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