

Search term info have been found 55 times.

Scientific program of the Institute…

…Bioarchaeological research provides valuable information on the biological and social structure of the population and the diet, health, and…

Northern Adriatic landscape: relationship between humans and space through historical periods…

…of these landscapes using information technology we shall try to define a more comprehensive picture of habitation, use of…

Recognizing the pre-industrial iron manufacture in the basin of the Drava river – raw materials, processing technology and socio-cultural…

…in order to provide information about the technology of ore processing across different periods. The study of the use…

The identity of the inhabitants of Roman settlements in Pannonia: the relationship of the prehistoric tradition and new elements…

…and towns. The available information points to different models conditioned by locally defined cultural and historical circumstances. The prehistoric…

The Employment of Computed Tomography (CT) in the Analysis of Bioarchaeological Samples…

…far, generates only limited information on 3D objects. Leaving the dental component aside, CT was only rarely employed in…

The archaeological topography of Croatia in antiquity…

…the creation of an information and documentation database of archaeological sites. The aim is to investigate the entire territory…


ARHINDOKS (Archaeological Information Documentation Centre) is a department that collects, processes, digitalizes and stores all the archaeological and related…


…the European Research Area, A number of other institutions have recognized in the Institute of Archaeology a potentially reliable…

Suhopolje – Kliškovac…

…that they contain important information about the position they refer to. This was also the case with the toponym…

Archaeological zone Korintija, Bosar - Sokol…

…survey yielded abundant new information about the site. A Late Antique glass workshop from the 5th-6th century was discovered.…

Kurilovec - Belinščica…

…in order to collect information about the broader features of the site, other methods ought to be implemented, which…

Lopar, Podšilo…

The first information about the existence of an antique economic facility in the Podšilo cove came from local inhabitants…

Prozorje (Martin-Breg) – St. Martin's Church…

…a wealth of interesting information about the life of people living in this area during the Middle Ages and…

Orešac – Luka and Dvorina…

…Archaeology was to verify information unknown until then about that position, and to attribute the elevations to a specific…


…in northern Croatia. The information collected at this site will provide an answer to the question about the role…


…Municipal Museum, which contained information on previous salvage investigations in the Sotin area, which made it possible to locate…

Slavonski Brod - Galovo…

…the soil, which were reinforced in their lower part above the surface level with a thick coat of clay.…


…provides a wealth of information on the everyday life of individuals.…

Voćin – Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary…

…of the aisle provided information about its stratification. It was possible to prove the existence of the topmost church…


…at the same time reinforcing its slope. The archaeological investigations have shown that in the Late Middle Ages the Gradina…

Gradišče near Margečan…

…a wealth of useful information regarding the method of construction of the fort. It also resulted in the creation…

Fortified Town of Dubovac…

…Bronze Age elevated settlement (reinforced with carbonized planks and burnt earth) with a rampart and an earthen bank, adjacent…

Crikvenica (Ad Turres) – “Football field“…

…out in particular. The information obtained by the ceramic analyses, as well as the understanding of the kiln structures,…

Virovitica-Kiškorija jug…

…excavated area, provided important information on the ways an early mediaeval rural community functioned in the Podravina area, and…

Torčec – Gradić…

…low central elevation was reinforced with a series of square oaken braces set obliquely on its slope. During the…


…corners of the house, reinforced with rubble or dressed stone blocks. The interior of each of those dwelling structures…

Mali Tabor Castle…

…Rattkay family contain no information pointing to the time when Mali Tabor was built. The author of the document…

Archaeological Topography of the Rab Island…

…to us by local informants or those we had observed during the 2009 research. The results of the first campaign… Info

Terms of use…

…otherwise expressly stated. The information may be forwarded and published only with the obligatory indication of the author, source…

Cookie policy…

…a small amount of information on your computer (cookie file). Over 90% of all websites use this practice, but…

Iron Age Female Identities in the Southern Carpathian Basin ● FEMINE (IP-06-2016-1749) …

…various assemblages, provides relevant information regarding the ways in which various individuals and/or different communities chose to visually express…

The database of antique archaeological sites of the Republic of Croatia…

…database is enriched with information about archaeological sites that are attractive enough to become a tourist destination. The availability…

Danube Limes in Vukovar-Syrmia County…

…is to gather more information about the defence system, its duration and the possibilities of presentation so that individual…

Archaeological topography of the island of Rab…

…allows navigation and offers information on archaeological sites and specificities of the various landscapes. Research within the "Archaeological topography of…

TRADE – Transformations of Adriatic Europe…

…Zadru, Odjel za arheologiju More information is available on the conference’s official web site. Preliminary programme TRADE Zadar 2016 (845 KB…

Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past - 4th International Scientific Conference of the Medieval archeology…

…holders to add visible information in English to their slides.Participation in the scientific conference is free of charge. An…

Monumental landscapes of the Early Iron Age in the Danube area - project presentation…

Project information

Officine per la produzione di ceramica e vetro in epoca romana. Produzione e commercio nella regione adriatica e oltre…

…available here, while more information are available on Project's RED website.…

The 5th Geoarchaeological Conference…


Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object - 7th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology…

…iron Photo Gallery . . Dear colleagues, We hearby inform You that the new date for the 7th Internatinal Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology…

Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/European Archaeology Days/#Archeorama…

…a crossword puzzle, memory, information about the local attraction (Kopački rit, for example). Topics related to the Roman army intertwine…

Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/ European Archaeology Days…

…a crossword puzzle, memory, information about the local attraction (Kopački rit, for example). Topics related to the Roman army intertwine…

Visibility workshop Living Danube Limes…

…up the setting up information boards Ružica Marušić, Matej Marušić, Presentation of the project Danube travel stories proposal of positions…

Europski dani arheologije/ Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/ European Archaeology Days 2022…

…a crossword puzzle, memory, information about the local attraction (Kopački rit, for example). Topics related to the Roman army intertwine…

Consumption of ceramics in the Adriatic from protohistory to the early Roman period: micro-scale and macro-narrative…

…overviews and specific topics. More information is available in the Call for papers. Everyone interested in participating should submit an abstract…

European Archaeology Days/ Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie/ Europski dani arheologije 2023…

…a crossword puzzle, memory, information about the local attraction (Kopački rit, for example). Topics related to the Roman army intertwine…

Ceramics, People and Places. The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages…

…a large influx of information about sites from the Early, High and Late Middle Ages, which were obtained by…

Thematic database…

…Ivančan. It contains basic information on sites where traces of activities of production and processing of iron or iron…

European Archaeology Days/ Journées Européennes de l’Archéologie/ Europski dani arheologije 2024…

…children will learn basic information about the Zodiac and its significance in ancient Roman culture. The twelve zodiac signs,…


ARHINDOKS (Archaeological Information Documentation Centre) is a department that collects, processes, digitalizes and stores all the archaeological and related…

European Archaeology Days/ Journées Européennes de l’Archéologie/ Europski dani arheologije 2024…

…children will learn basic information about the Zodiac and its significance in ancient Roman culture. The twelve zodiac signs,…

Juraj… Belaj…

…degree in Archaeology and Information Sciences. He received his Master’s degree in 2001 (“Archaeological inheritance of military orders in…

Jere … Drpić…

…as archaeological prospecting, geographic information system, aerial photography and landscape archeology incorporated with the study of Roman road communications…

Tena… Karavidović…

…uses archaeological experiments and geoinformation systems as methods of approach as well as analytical tools and methods of natural…


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