Cultural Landscapes of Iron Metallurgy During Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages in the Sava and Drava River Basin – KulturFER
The project includes extensive and systematic research of iron metallurgy in the geographically and archaeologically dynamic area of the Sava and Drava river basins during antiquity and the early Middle Ages. It is hypothesized that the changes and/or continuity visible in the technology of iron production and processing, the organization of production processes and the distribution of (semi)products are a reflection of the influence of the natural preconditions of the landscape and social and economic circumstances through Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. The focus is on 1) mineralogical and geochemical fingerprints of Pannonian and Dinaric raw materials (iron ore), 2) sources of raw materials and areas of exploitation of mineral resources, 3) comparative analysis of production technology and output (semi)products during Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, 4) organization of production processes and distribution of semi-finished products during the observed periods. In order to define the level and type of influence and the way this production branch of the economy functions over a longer period, a comprehensive methodological approach is devised, that approaches the research of the topic that connects landscape, technology, and social organization through an interdisciplinary prism.
Web page:
Project duration: December 29th 2023 – December 28th 2027
PI: Tajana Sekelj Ivančan (Institute of archaeology)
Members of the research group: Tena Karavidović (Institute of archaeology, Zagreb, Croatia), Tatjana Tkalčec (Institute of archaeology, Zagreb, Croatia), Sibila Borojević Šoštarić (Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia), Tomislav Brenko (Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia), Sanda Rončević (Department for analytical chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia), Béla Török (Institute of metallurgy, University of Miskolc, Hungary), Adam Thiéle (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Hungary), Ivan Valent (Koprivnica City Museum, Koprivnica, Croatia), Slavica Filipović (Archaeological Museum Osijek, Croatia).