The Employment of Computed Tomography (CT) in the Analysis of Bioarchaeological Samples
The tendency to apply advanced computer techniques in modern bioarchaeology by using medical CT scanners is increasingly becoming a conditio sine qua nondue to the fact that standard radiography, mostly employed so far, generates only limited information on 3D objects. Leaving the dental component aside, CT was only rarely employed in bioarchaeological research in Croatia so far, remaining limited to a few case reports – on osteochondroma (Šlaus et al. 2000) and two trepanations (Novak et al. 2013, Boljunčić, Hat, 2015) and similar cases. Within the topic in question, for the first time in Croatian bioarchaeology we applied techniques of computed tomography in the study of injuries of two adults (Zagajci, Zvonimirovo) (Boljunčić, Hat, 2014), as well as more broadly (work in process). Such an approach reinforces the credibility of analyses and raises the level of quality of work.
Jadranka Boljunčić
- Boljunčić, J. 2007, DNA Analysis of Early Mediaeval Individuals from Zvonimirovo Burial Site in Northern Croatia: Investigation of Kinship Relationships by Using Multiplex System Amplification for Short Tandem Repeat Loci, Croatian Medical Journal, Vol. 48, 536-546.
- Boljunčić, J., Hat, J. 2014, Employment of Computed Tomography in the Study of Traumata Scored from Two Adults From Croatian Bioarchaeology, Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, Vol. 31, 123-137.
- Boljunčić, J, Hat, J. 2015, Mastoid Trepanation in a Deceased from Medieval Croatia: A Case Report. Collegium Antropologicum, Vol. 39 (1).
- Boljunčić, J. 2015 (prihvaćeno za tisak), Od prapovijesti do srednjeg vijeka: bioarheološka i slična istraživanja pri Institutu za arheologiju (Zagreb). [From Prehistory to Medieval Age: Bioarchaeological and Similar Studies at the Institute of Archaeology (Zagreb)], in: Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu.