Strategic use of landscape in prehistoric and historical periods
(IP project CSF: IP-11-2013-3700)
Strategic use of landscape is an important factor in the evolution of populations that inhabited it from prehistory to this day. The project focuses on the research of samples pertaining to habitation, communications and natural resources across all periods in the area of the Našice, Podgorač, Koška and Drenje municipalities. The project aims at recognizing the strategic positions for habitation, and reconstructing two potential communications connecting the Drava river valley in Hungary with the Požega Basin and the basin of the Sava river across the Đakovo Plateau. In a broader sense, we shall try to identify links between the Carpathian Basin and the northern and central Balkans, as well as to determine the role of the east-west communication along the valley of the Drava river. Based on archaeological, historical, geological and other data we shall try to reconstruct the exploitation of natural resources, using the comparative method in order to identify similarities or differences across all observed periods.
Katarina Botić, Hrvoje Kalafatić, Zorko Marković, Kornelija Minichreiter, Danimirka Podunavac
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- Marković, Z., Jurković, J. 2011, Rezultati rekognosciranja arheoloških terena oko Našica 2010. godine, Annales Instituti archaeologici, VII, Zagreb, 102-107.
- Marković, Z., Jurković, J. 2009, Rezultati rekognosciranja arheoloških terena oko Našica 2007 i 2008.g., Annales Instituti archaeologici, V, Zagreb, 139-147.
- Marković, Z., Podunavac, D., Jurković, J. 2012, Rezultati rekognosciranja arheoloških terena oko Našica 2011. godine, Annales Instituti archaeologici, VIII, Zagreb, 111-114.
- Minichreiter, K., Marković, Z. 2010, Arheološki lokaliteti na trasi brze ceste Našice - Pleternica - Lužani i području izgradnje akumulacija Dubovik i Breznica kod Podgorača, Annales Instituti archaeologici, VI, Zagreb, 94-98.
- Kalafatić, H., Šiljeg, B. 2016, Everything fears time, but time fears the circles: 7 thousand years old prehistoric enclosures in landscape of southern Carpathian basin, in: P. Kołodziejczyk, B. Kwiatkowska-Kopka (eds.), Landscape in the past and forgotten landscapes, Cracow Landscape Monographs, Vol. 2, 111-121.
- Botić, K. 2016, Landscape and human interaction throughout millennia – A case study of archaeological sites in the Našice region, Croatia, in: P. Kołodziejczyk, B. Kwiatkowska-Kopka (eds.), Landscape in the past and forgotten landscapes, Cracow Landscape Monographs, Vol. 2, 333-341.
- Šiljeg, B., Kalafatić, H. 2016, Aerial Archaeology of Eastern Slavonia, Croatia, Archeologia Aerea – Studi di Aerotopografia Archeologica, Vol. 10, Rome (prihvaćeno za tisak)
- Marković, Z., Botić, K., New knowledge about the medieval settlements of Našice region, Zbornik radova 2. Međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa srednjovjekovne arheologije (u tisku).
- Marković, Z., Podunavac, D., Botić, K., Kalafatić, H., Minichreiter, K. 2016, Čovjek u prostoru i prostor kroz vrijeme – Odnos čovjeka i prostora u svjetlu istraživanja našičkog kraja, katalog izložbe, Institut za arheologiju : Zavičajni muzej Našice, Zagreb.
- Marković, Z., Botić, K., Jurković, J. 2016, Rezultati terenskog pregleda općina Našice i Koška 2015. godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, XII, 185-191.
- Šiljeg, B., Kalafatić, H. 2016, Zračno rekognosciranje, Osječko-baranjska županija 2015. godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, XII, 213-222.
- Marković, Z., Botić, K., Podunavac, D., Jurković, J. 2015, Rezultati terenskog pregleda općine Koška 2014. godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, XI, 98-103.
- Šiljeg, B., Kalafatić, H. 2015, Zračna arheologija u istočnoj Slavoniji 2014. godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, XI, 135-141.