Roman Economy in Dalmatia: production, distribution and demand in the light of pottery workshops
(RED) (HRZZ Research Projects, IP-11-2013-3973)
The thematic research focuses on defining and reconstructing the comprehensive spatial organization of Roman ceramic workshop at several levels with regard to the technological process of the preparation of raw materials, shaping, firing and drying of objects, as well as their storage and preparation for market. The use and adaptation of landscape as regards the quantity and quality of natural resources, favourable climatic conditions and favourable conditions for transport, is the basic starting point affecting the size of the workshops and also the primary prerequisite for the duration of the workshop production, which ultimately depends on the needs of the market, that is, the economic situation. In this context, a part of our research interest is directed toward interdisciplinary research on clay sources and comparative archaeometric analyses of pottery and raw materials in the primary sample, in search of answers to the potential points of origin of the regional production, as well as toward defining criteria for distinguishing them from imported ceramic materials.
The next level of research looks at the forms of functioning of civilian workshops with regard to their functioning within economic-residential complexes (the example of workshops on the island of Rab/antique Arba), or their intentional organization into specialized, market-oriented workshops (the ceramic production complex in Crikvenica – Ad Turresin the northern littoral of Liburnia), which are an important indicator of considerable economic development in a specific area.
The production and distribution of regional workshop products, be it pottery, transport goods (containers) or construction pottery, contribute to the understanding of socio-economic relationships, especially regarding the recognition of contacts with neighbouring markets, the competitiveness of regional goods versus imports, purchase power and acceptance of specific standards (quality and aesthetics). Based on a database of analysed samples of regional production of the wider market, multi-level criteria are established (within GIS) for a comprehensive picture of the regional ceramic production, demand and its distribution within the Roman province of Dalmatia, as well as its contacts with broader neighbouring markets in the Mediterranean from the Late Hellenistic period to late antiquity.
Project’s web-site:
Goranka Lipovac Vrkljan, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić, Ana Konestra, Bartul Šiljeg, Marina Ugarković and Nera Šegvić
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G. et al. 2014, Replika rimske keramičarske peći u Crikvenici / A replica of a Roman pottery kiln in Crikvenica U: Zbornik II. međunarodnog arheološkog kolokvija „Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru“, Crikvenica 28.-29. listopada 2011. Crikvenica, 2014. (ed. G. Lipovac Vrkljan, B. Šiljeg, I. Ožanić Roguljić, A. Konestra) / Atti del II Colloquio archeologico internazionale Crikvenica (Croazia), 29. - 29. ottobre 2011. / Proceedings of the 2nd Interntional Archaeological Colloquium, Crikvenica (Croatia), 28th - 29th October 2011, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju/ Serta Instituti Archaeologici ZIA/SIA knjiga / volumen 2., Crikvenica 2014, 41 – 58. (Project RED. HRZZ)
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Starac, R., 2014., Antička mikrotopografija Hrvatskog primorja. Prilog poznavanju arheološkog krajolika Vinodola prema nalazima crikveničke keramike / Ancient microtopoghraphy of the Hrvatsko Primorje Adding to the existing knowledge of the archeological landscape of Vinodol based on the Crivenica pottery finds U: Zbornik II. međunarodnog arheološkog kolokvija „ Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru“, Crikvenica 28.-29. listopada 2011., Crikvenica 2014. (ed. G. Lipovac Vrkljan, B. Šiljeg, I. Ožanić Roguljić, A. Konestra) /Atti del II. Colloquio archeologico internazionale, Crikvenica (Croazia), 29. - 29. ottobre 2011 / Proceedings of the 2nd Interntional Archaeological Colloquium, Crikvenica (Croatia), 28th - 29th October 2011, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju/ Serta Instituti Archaeologici ZIA/SIA knjiga / volumen 2., Crikvenica 2014, 93 – 105. (Project RED, HRZZ)
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., et al. (ed.) 2014, Zbornik II. međunarodnog arheološkog kolokvija Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru, Crikvenica 28.-29. listopada 2011. (ed. G. Lipovac Vrkljan, B. Šiljeg, I. Ožanić Roguljić, A. Konestra) / Officine per la produzione di ceramica e vetro in epoca romana. Produzione e commercio nella regione adriatica, Atti del il Colloquio archeologico internazionale, Crikvenica (Croazia), 29. - 29. ottobre 2011 /Roman Ceramic and Glass Manufactures. Production and Trade in the Adriatic region, Proceedings of the 2nd Interntional Archaeological Colloquium, Crikvenica (Croatia), 28th - 29th October 2011, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju/ Serta Instituti Archaeologici ZIA/SIA knjiga / volumen 2.,Crikvenica 2014 (Project RED, HRZZ)
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G. et al., (ed.), 2014, Program i knjiga sažetaka III. međunarodnog arheološkog kolokvija u Crikvenici, 4. i 5. studeni 2014. Crikvenica, 2014/ Programma del III. Colloquio archeologico internazionale, Programme of 3rd International archaeological Colloquy, Crikvenica / Crikvenica 2014. (Project RED, HRZZ)
- Ožanić Roguljić, I., 2014., Posude s perforiranom rešetkom iz Crikvenice / Wessels with perforated grids from Crikvenica, U: Zbornik II. međunarodnog arheološkog kolokvija Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru, Crikvenica 28.-29. listopada 2011. (ed. G. Lipovac Vrkljan, B. Šiljeg, I. Ožanić Roguljić, A. Konestra) / Atti del il Colloquio archeologico internazionale,Officine per la produzione di ceramica e vetro in epoca romana. Produzione e commercio nella regione adriatica, Crikvenica (Croazia), 29. - 29. ottobre 2011 /Roman Ceramic and Glass Manufactures. Production and Trade in the Adriatic region, Proceedings of the 2nd Interntional Archaeological Colloquium, Crikvenica (Croatia), 28th - 29th October 2011, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju/ Serta Instituti Archaeologici ZIA/SIA knjiga / volumen 2., 279 - 286. (Project RED, HRZZ)
- Konestra, A., 2014., Sarius e Aco dal sito „Porta Pisana“ presso la città di Krk (isola di Krk, Croazia), poster /talks on: III. međunarodni arheološkog kolokvija Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru, Crikvenica, 4. i 5. studeni 2014. / III. Colloquio archeologico internazionale, Crikvenica 4. e 5. november 2014 / 3rd International archaeological Colloquy, Crikvenica 4th and 5th Novembre 2014 / Crikvenica 2014. (Project RED, HRZZ)
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Ožanić Roguljić, I., 2014., Replica of the Roman Pottery Kiln from Crikvenica (Croatia), poster on the EEA (European Association of Archaeologists, Session code TO3SO14) 20th Annual meeting, Istambul 10 – 14 September 2014, RED Project HRZZ.
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Ožanić Roguljić, I., Ugarković, M. (ed.), 2014., Rimske i kasnoantičke svjetiljke: Proizvodnja i distribucija, kontakti na Mediteranu, Program Okruglog stola i knjiga sažetaka, Roman and Late Antique lamps:production and distribution, contacts on the Mediterraneam, Program of the Round Table and Book of Abstracts, Zagreb 02. veljače 2015. (RED Project HRZZ)
- Konestra, A., Ožanić Roguljić I. 2016, Illuminating the Way: Later Roman Factory Lamp from a Grave Context in Crikvenica, in Roman and Late Antique Lamps: Production and Distribution, Contacts on the Mediterranean. Proceedings of the international round table, Zagreb 2nd February 2015, G. Lipovac Vrkljan, I Ožanić Roguljić, M. Ugarković (eds.), Institut za arheologiju, Zagreb, 128-136.
- Konestra, A. 2015, Keramika s Foruma Municipia Flavia Fulfinuma (otok Krk, Hrvatska) – istraživanja od 2007. do 2013. Godine, Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 32, 147-214.
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Ožanić Roguljić, I., 2015, Approach to the study of ceramic material from the workshop of Sextus Metilius Maximus (Crikvenica - Igralište, Croatia), Quaderni Friulani di archeologia, anno XXV, N.1, 2015., 129 - 137.
- Lipovac Vrkljan et all., 2016, Antički proizvodni keramičarski kompleks u Crikvenici – zaključna istraživanja 2015. godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XII, No .1, 2016.
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Konestra, A., 2014, Sustavna istraživanja lokaliteta Crikvenica – Ad turres: obrada nalaza 2014. godine i izložba 845°C Ad turres (Muzej grada Crikvenice), Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XI, No .1, 2015.
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G. et all, 2014, Istraživanje regionalne antičke keramičarske proizvodnje i organizacija III. međunarodnoga arheološkog kolokvija Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice, Crikvenica 2014. (Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, Projekt RED), Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XI, No .1, 2015.
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G. et all, 2014, Geofizička istraživanja antičkih struktura u uvali Mahućina na otoku Rabu (općina Lopar) 2014. godine (projekt RED, Hrvatska zaklada za znanost), Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XI, No .1, 2015.
- Zbornik III. međunarodnog arheološkog kolokvija "Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru", G. Lipovac Vrkljan, B.Šiljeg, I. Ožanić Roguljić, A. Konestra (eds.), ZIA 12, Institut za arheologiju, Muzej Grada Crikvenice, Crikvenica 2017.
- Adriamphorae. Amfore kao izvor za rekonstrukciju gospodarskoga razvoja jadranske regije u antici: lokalna proizvodnja. Radovi s okruglog stola, Zagreb, 21. travnja 2016. g., G. Lipovac Vrkljan, I. Radić Rossi, A. Konestra (ur.), Institut za arheologiju, Zagreb, 2017.
- Welc, F., Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Konestra, A., Rosić, T. 2017, Remote sensing of a roman pottery workshop. Report on a geophysical survey carried out in Crikvenica (Ancient Ad Turres, Croatia), Studia Quaternaria, vol. 34, no. 2, 119–130.
- Welc, F., R. Mieszkowski, Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Konestra, A., An attempt to integration of different geophysical methods (magnetic, gpr and ert); a case study from the late roman settlement on the Island of Rab in Croatia, Studia Quaternaria, vol. 34, no. 1, 47–59.
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Konestra, A., Šegvić, N. 2017, Felix Arba – reconstructing urban and rural economic capacities through GIS, in: Mapping urban changes, A. Plosnić Škarić (ed.), Institute of art history, Zagreb, 314-335.
- Ožanić Roguljić, I., Konestra, A. 2017, Pannonian slipped ware in Dalmatia, in: Zbornik III. međunarodnog arheološkog kolokvija "Rimske keramičarske i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru", G. Lipovac Vrkljan, B.Šiljeg, I. Ožanić Roguljić, A. Konestra (eds.), ZIA 12, Institut za arheologiju, Muzej Grada Crikvenice, Crikvenica, 453-461.
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Konestra, A. 2017, Crikvenica fish amphora - indicator of production/commerce of fish product?, in: Adriamphorae. Amfore kao izvor za rekonstrukciju gospodarskoga razvoja jadranske regije u antici: lokalna proizvodnja. Radovi s okruglog stola, Zagreb, 21. travnja 2016. g., G. Lipovac Vrkljan, I. Radić Rossi, A. Konestra (eds.), Institut za arheologiju, Zagreb, 48-62.
- Lipovac Vrkljan, G., Konestra, A., Ilkić, M., Welc, F., R. Mieszkowski 2017, Project RED’s field activities in 2016: geophysical and filed Surveys (In Croatian language with English summary), Annales Instituti Archaeologici, vol. XIII, 163-166.