New aspects of identity: the Romanization process in South Pannonia
The beginning of Roman rule in Southern Pannonia, inhabited by different indigenous protohistoric communities, brought about a series of changes in burial rites, costume or dietary habits (new types of pottery, new foodstuffs like olive oil etc.). Members of indigenous elites were the most common front-runners of the process of adjustment to new social and economic circumstances, the so-called Romanization. At first, this might consist only of prestige goods that appear in the context of showcasing one’s wealth and privileged position, especially in the case of the warrior elite of the Late La Tène period. The focus is, therefore, on the distribution of goods in the context of trade contacts or individual mobility; the method of use and context of appearance of specific objects, as well as the factors influencing the spread of new customs, the role of the Roman army in particular, but also the continuity of indigenous elements.
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