Iron Age Female Identities in the Southern Carpathian Basin ● FEMINE (IP-06-2016-1749)
The aim of the proposed Iron Age project, conducted by archaeology in collaboration with anthropological and archaeometallurgical researches, puts the emphasis on the study of different aspects of the Iron Age female social identities, which can be reconstructed from the archaeological record. The project represents a complex study of female burials from six cemeteries in northern Croatia based on analyses of gender, sex, age and grave goods, with special attention to the functional analysis of the grave assemblages which reflect different local communities and shared identities of single individuals. The functional analysis, the manner in which different costume and jewellery elements are composed and associated in various assemblages, provides relevant information regarding the ways in which various individuals and/or different communities chose to visually express their identities and social relationships.
Project’s web-site:
Marko Dizdar, Asja Tonc, Saša Kovačević (Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb), Hrvoje Potrebica (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences), Marija Ljuština (University of Belgrade, Faculty of philosophy), Aleksandar Kapuran (Archaeological Institute, Belgrade), Carola Metzner-Nebelsick (Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich), Aurel Rustoiu (Institute of Archaeology and History of Art of the Romanian Academy of Science, Cluj-Napoca), Mathias Mehofer (University of Vienna, Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science), Mario Novak (Institute for anthropological research, Zagreb), Daria Ložnjak Dizdar (Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb)
Project duration: 1st April 2017 – 31st March 2021
Sites: Batina-Sredno
- M. Dizdar, 2014, Bronze Fibulae with Enamel Inlay from Scordiscan Sites, in: Iron Age Crafts and Craftsmen in the Carpathian Basin, Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 10-13 October 2013, ed. S. Berecki, Bibliotheca Mvsei Marisiensis, Seria Archaeologiva VII, Editura Mega, Târgu Mureş, 97-114.
- H. Potrebica-M. Dizdar, 2014, Late Hallstatt and Early La Tène Gold and Silver Beads in southeast Pannonia, in: Celtic Art in Europe Making Connections, Essays in honour of Vincent Megaw on his 80th birthday, eds. Ch. Gosden - S. Crawford - K. Ulmschneider, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 152-158.
- M. Dizdar, 2015, Late Hallstatt Female Grave from Belišće. A Group of Late Hallstatt Finds in the Lower Drava Valey, in: Beiträge zur Hallstattzeit am Rande der Südostalpen, Akten des 2. Internationalen Symposiums am 10. und 11. Juni 2010 in Wildon (Steiermark/Österreich), eds. Ch. Gutjahr – G. Tiefengraber, Internationale Archäologie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Symposium, Tagung, Kongress, Band 19, Heingst-Studien Band 3, Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, Rahden/Westf., 45-60.
- M. Dizdar, 2015, The Boii and their connections with the Scordisci – Contacts between central Europe and south-eastern Pannonia during the La Tène Culture, in: Boier zwischen Realität und Fiktion, Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums in Český Krumlov vom 14.–16. November 2013, eds. Maciej Karwowski, Vladimír Salač und Susanne Sievers, Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte Band 21, Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn, 295-308.
- M. Dizdar, 2016, Middle La Tène Female Iron Belts in the South-Eastern Part of the Carpathian Basin – is it Something Local and/or Global?, in: Iron Age Chronology in the Carpathian Basin, Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 8–10 October 2015, ed. S. Berecki, Bibliotheca Mvsei Marisiensis Series Archaeologica vol. XII, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 75-96.
- Marko Dizdar, 2018, Reflections about some specific finds of the female costume in the South-eastern Carpathian Basin – Can we recognize female mobility in the Middle La Tène?, in: Berecki, S. (ed.), Iron Age Connectivity in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş 13–15 October 2017, Bibliotheca Mvsei Marisiensis, series archaeologica, XVI, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2018.
- Marko Dizdar, Asja Tonc, 2018, Not just a belt: Astragal Belts as part of Late Iron Age Female Costume in south-eastern Carpathian Basin, Starinar LXVIII/2018, 47-63.
- Zvonko Bojčić, Daria Ložnjak Dizdar, Tomislav Hršak, 2018, Nove spoznaje o kronologiji groblja Batina-Sredno na početku starijeg željeznog doba, Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 35/2018, 159-192.
- Marko Dizdar, Marija Ljuština, 2019, My mother was a tailor...Women from the Middle La Tene culture cemetery Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje who made the spinning threads and clothes, Arheološki vestnik 70/2019, 57-99.
- Marko Dizdar, 2019, New Late Hallstatt Finds from the Vinkovci Region (Eastern Croatia): A Contribution to the Study of Impacts from the Balkans to the southeastern Carpathian Basin, in: Hommage a Rastko Vasić, Archaeological Institute Belgrade, Belgrade 2019, 105-129.