"Iron-Age-Danube" Monumentalized Early Iron Age Landscapes in the Danube river basin
The project “Monumentalized Early Iron Age Landscapes in the Danube river basin” co-funded by European Union, the acronym "Iron-Age-Danube" (Reference No. DTP1-1-248-2.2)
The project "Monumentalized Early Iron Age Landscapes in the Danube river basin", the acronym "Iron-Age-Danube", is implemented within the Interreg Danube Transnational Program, co-funded by European Union from European Regional Development Fund.
The Lead partner of the project is Universalmuseum Joanneum from Graz, responsible for the implementation of the project that involved ten partners and nine associated partners from Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Croatia.
The main objective of the project is the development of international strategies for research, protection, and sustainable use of all archaeological landscapes in the project partners’ countries. As part of the project activities, new strategies will be developed and methodological tools for the protection, presentation, promotion and sustainable use of the archaeological landscapes. The project results will be tested and implemented in nine micro-regions with some of the most famous Early Iron Age sites in Europe from the four partner countries: Großklein (AT), Strettweg (AT), Jalžabet (CRO), Kaptol (CRO), Poštela (SI), DolenjskeToplice (SI), Százhalombatta (HU), Süttő (HU) and Sopron (Hungary).
From Croatia, as a project partners, participate the Institute of Archaeology and Archaeological Museum of Zagreb, while associate partners are Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia-Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Varaždin County Tourist Board and Centre for Prehistoric Research. Main project activities of the Institute of Archaeology are focusing at the world-famous Early Iron Age archaeological landscape in Jalžabet, settlement and cemetery with a large burial mound, in Varaždin County. The archaeological site in Jalžabet-Bistričak is well-known by the burial mound named “Gomila” that is one of the largest burial mounds in Central Europe, with a diameter of about 75 m, and the preserved height of 8 m. The Archaeological Museum in Zagreb in cooperation with the Centre for Prehistoric Research, focus their project activities on the hillfort settlement, the archaeological site in Kaptol in Požega-Slavonia County.
In the September 2017 the Archaeological Camp Croatia was implemented at archaeological sites Jalžabet-Bistričak in Varaždin County and Kaptol in Požega-Slavonia County where were performed archaeological and multidisciplinary research with the latest technical equipment as well as scientific and popular programs for project partners, experts, students and visitors. The Institute of Archaeology and the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, organized the opening ceremony of the Archaeological Camp Croatia in the Varaždin City Museum at 6th September 2017. The opening ceremony of the Archaeological Camp Croatia was under the Patronage from The Minister of Culture of Republic of Croatia, Dr. Nina Obuljen Koržinek and H.E. Ambassador of the Embassy of the Republic of Austria to the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Andreas Wiedenhoff. The event at the opening ceremony in Varaždin, and highlight the beginning of the Archaeological Camp Croatia, were prehistoric fashion show and lecture “Clothing and identity in the Bronze and Iron Age Central Europe” held by one of the most prominent world experts in field of Textile Archaeology from the Natural History Museum Vienna Dr. Karina Grömer. In addition, in the Camp were held two Round Tables, in the Varaždin City Museum "Possibilities, advantages and challenges of non-invasive methods in landscape archaeology" and in the Jalžabet Cultural Center “Tourist, Educational and Archaeological Trail in Jalžabet“. During the Camp were also performed three school workshops “The production of prehistoric metal jewellery“, “Small school of weaving“ and “How to survive the prehistory in the house of the Early Iron Age“, with an educational goal to present the archaeology and the Early Iron Age period to primary school pupils. The workshops were held in the Primary schools “Petar Zrinski“Jalžabet and “Martijanec” in Varaždin County.
The Institute of Archaeology will present to the public the results of archaeological and interdisciplinary research from the site “Gomila” in Jalžabet, in the form of a digital reconstruction of Early Iron Age landscapes and promote its cultural and archaeological importance, not only in scientific but also in tourism sense at international, national and regional level.
Presentation and promotion of the archaeological site, will also ensure an exceptional tourist program, what have to be supported by relevant institutions, local governments and communities, so that could provide the impetus for the development of cultural tourism in Varaždin County, continental Croatia as well as in Central Europe.
Overall budget of the project Iron-Age-Danube: 2.552.000, 00 EUR (2.169.200 EUR of EFRE funds [85%]).
Duration of the project: 1st of January 2017–30th of June 2019.
Project Team:
Marko Dizdar, Director of the Institute of Archaeology and member of the project Steering committee (SCOM),
Saša Kovačević, Project Manager, head of the project team,
Slavica Bartoluci Andrić, Internal accountant and financial management,
Martina Jurišić, Project Assistant and Senior Associate in the Institute of Archaeology,
Josip Koštan (ConSeo d.o.o), Financial and administrative external manager (Reporting and implementation of the project).
- http://www.interreg-danube.eu/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IronAgeDanube/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx9Vnpkkf5ayEmtj2p-kc7w
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ironagedanube/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ironagedanube
- Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron-Age-Danube_project