Identification of archaeological sites by remote sensing
Due to the specific properties of the territory of Croatia – which is divided into lowland, littoral and mountainous regions – it is necessary to define for each the most appropriate method of identification and study of archaeological remains by remote sensing. For each area, zones of intensive study of aerial photographs were determined, in order to define the rules pertaining to the method of detecting individual sites on different photographs. This would subsequently be complemented by analyses of wider areas using available network browsers (Geoportal, ARKOD, Google Earth, cyclic recordings of the State Geodetic Administration) and oblique aerial photography.
- Mala Luka (Krk)
- Šiljeg, B. 2008, Arheološko istraživanje lokaliteta Mala luka i Baška na Krku 2007., Annales Instituti archaeologici IV, 84–87.
- Tkalčec, T., Karavanić, S., Šiljeg, B., Jelinčić, K. 2007, Novootkrivena arheološka nalazišta uz rječicu Veliku kod mjesta Majur i Ladinec, Cris IX/1, 5–25.
- Šiljeg, B., Kalafatić, H. 2015, Zračna arheologija u istočnoj Slavoniji 2014. godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, XI, 135-141.
- Kalafatić, H., Šiljeg, B. 2016, Everything fears time, but time fears the circles: 7 thousand years old prehistoric enclosures in landscape of southern Carpathian basin, in: P. Kołodziejczyk, B. Kwiatkowska-Kopka (eds.), Landscape in the past and forgotten landscapes, Cracow Landscape Monographs, Vol. 2, 111-121.
- Šiljeg, B., Kalafatić, H. 2016, Zračno rekognosciranje, Osječko-baranjska županija 2015. godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, XII, 213-222.
- Šiljeg, B., Kalafatić, H. 2016, Aerial Archaeology of Eastern Slavonia, Croatia, Archeologia Aerea – Studi di Aerotopografia Archeologica, Vol. 10, Rome (prihvaćeno za tisak)