Completed projects


Churches, cemeteries and burial rites in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period

The research focuses on the continuity or discontinuity of sacred space – churches and cemeteries, as well as the quality of living of mediaeval and early modern populations. The approach is interdisciplinary, taking archaeology as the starting point but using also the results of bioarchaeological research as well as the data from other humanities and social sciences (history, history of art, ethnology). A special attention is dedicated to burial rites. Do they reflect the social structure of the society, that is, the way it is differentiated based on gender, age and status, or they reflect and express general ideas and beliefs of society as a whole? To what extent are folk beliefs and tradition implemented in the prescribed burial rite?

Siniša Krznar, Tatjana Tkalčec




Ova stranica koristi kolačiće. Neki od tih kolačića nužni su za ispravno funkcioniranje stranice, dok nam drugi služe za praćenje korištenja stranice radi poboljšanja korisničkog iskustva. Za više informacija pogledajte našu Uporabu “Kolačića”.

Obavezni kolačići


Kolačići koji su nužni za ispravno funkcioniranje stranice. Moguće ih je onemogućiti u postavkama preglednika.

Analitički kolačići


Kolačići koji služe za praćenje korištenja stranice radi poboljšanja korisničkog iskustva.