Completed projects


Burial rites and customs of Issa in the period between the 4th and 1st centuries BC

The research focuses on the burial rites in Issa in the period between the 4th and 1st centuries BCE, reflected in the material remains from local necropolises. The polis of Issa on the island of Vis, founded according to written sources by the Greeks from Syracuse, is the only Greek city in Croatia that has yielded necropolises. We are referring to partially investigated funerary landscapes at Martvilo and Vlaška njiva. The research concentrates on an analysis of spatial distribution and types of funerary architecture, methods of deposition, position and modification of the body, the position and type of grave goods, ways of marking the place of burial, and on the remains of funerary banquets (during the funeral or as part of subsequent commemorative activities). The interpretation of these aspects allows us, among other things, to observe the active role of the individual and the community in the context of the Issaean funerary tradition, as well as to gain insight into the verification and creation of gender- and age-based, as well as individual identities during funeral activities.

Marina Ugarković



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