Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object - 7th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology
09/10/2020 — 09/11/2020
Dear colleagues,
Given the uncertainty and limited movement related to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, we emphasize once more that the conference will be accessible:
1. personally in Zagreb,
2. by sending a ppt presentation with accompanying text to be presented by the section moderators,
3. online as a speaker and listener through a conference platform,
4. participants who have submitted a poster (size 70x100 cm), but are not able to come to Zagreb in person, can send it in pdf format to be printed by the Organizer in Zagreb.
Conference link
Gömöri János:Bloomery iron smelting in Hungary - videofilm
Dear colleagues,
We hearby inform You that the new date for the 7th Internatinal Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology organized by the Institute of Archaeology and entitled Secrets of iron – from raw material to an iron object has been set. The conference will be held between 10th and 12th of September 2020 at the new adress, in the premises of the Gallery of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb at 6 Pavla Hatza Street.
Thank you for understanding
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object
Dear colleagues!
We are kindly inviting you to take part in the 7th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology entitled Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object jointly organized by the Institute of Archaeology and the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, which will be held at the Museum between 3rd and 6th of June 2020.
With this scientific conference we wish to gain a deeper understanding of the technology of production of iron and iron objects and the development, distribution and transfer of knowledge and technologies over a long period of time in a wide geographical area. Gathering of scholars and experts from different disciplines is expected in order to support the discussion from multiple sources (archeological, historical, geological, geophysical, chemical). Contributions on recently excavated sites with metallurgical activity, results of analyses of raw materials, metallurgical residues/wastes and iron objects as well as results of archaeological experiments are welcome. We also want the conference to promote an active dialogue between experts involved in the study of various processes in the manufacture and processing of iron, from raw materials to finished products in different periods, from Prehistory, through Antiquity, the Middle Ages and up to the Modern period.
In that sense, we are interested in:
• non-invasive research methods: identification of sites associated with iron production and/or processing based on aerial imaging, reconnaissance, geophysical methods; natural landscape prerequisites / conditionality
• raw materials: ores (characteristics, deposits, exploitation, preparation); other resources (clay, water, wood)
• furnaces: furnace design and functional characteristics (smelting, reheating, smithing)
• workshops: organization of smelting and/or blacksmith’s workshops
• analytical methods: mineralogical and chemical analyses of soil, ores, slag, iron; metallographic analyses of iron objects
• experimental archaeology: smelting, processing, fabrication and use of iron objects
• use, distribution, exchange of technology and goods over a long period of time in a wider geographical area
Please submit the title and abstract of your presentation and/or poster (max. 1800 characters) to e-mail [javascript protected email address] no later than 15th of January 2020. The abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts. Please provide complete information in the Application form.
Conference languages are English and Croatian. Lecturers in the Croatian language are kindly asked to prepare the presentation in English.
Conference fee is 30 EUR and covers: the Book of Abstracts and other conference materials, refreshments during the breaks. The fee does not cover travel and accommodation costs of conference participants.
After the conference, on Friday and Saturday, 5th and 6th of June 2020, a visit to the Andautonia Archaeological Park in Ščitarjevo near Zagreb is planned, where experimental smelting of iron ore will take place within the 4th Festival of Experimental Archaeology during the popular event Andautonia Days, organized by the Archeological Museum in Zagreb and the Center for Experimental Archaeology. Please indicate your interest in the tour as well as your participation in the experiment so that we can plan the course of events and provide further information regarding experimental smelting.
Papers from the conference will be published in a separate volume Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici. Please hand in the manuscripts in English no later than 15th of November 2020. All texts are subject to a peer-review procedure and are to be published until the end of 2021. The instructions for the preparation of the manuscript and the citation style are the same as those of journal Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu and are available at:
Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.
We are looking forward to your participation!
With kind regards,
Dr. Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Scientific Advisor – Second Appointment (permanent position)