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Copying error: archaeological material science analysis for ceramics


Copying error: archaeological material science analysis for ceramics

(Case studies: Hellenistic ware from Issa, Pharos and Siculi & Hellenistic and Late Republican amphorae on Dalmatian trade routes)

Distribution of ceramic vessels present the key evidence for economic growth and social transformation in the Mediterranean in the second half of the last millennium BC. The increase of trade resulted in extensive multiregional ceramic production, standardisation of shapes and even development of regional variation. Regional variabilities in ceramic production developed from coping errors. In the context of extensive and complex economic trade systems of the Hellenistic and Roman periods, the material science-based analysis of ceramic material become essential in provenance studies. The lecturer will present different approaches and methods of the ceramic provenance studies, based on the case studies of Hellenistic fine ware and Hellenistic and Late Republican amphorae form Dalmatia.


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