Research Associate
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In September 2017 defended doctoral theses summa cum laude entitled “Neolithic settlements on the northern Croatian territory“under the supervision of Prof T. Težak-Gregl.
Employed at the Institute of Archaeology since 2007, and in 2012 took over the position of research assistant on the project “Prehistoric Identity of the First Farming Populations of Continental Croatia“ (led by Dr Kornelija Minichreiter and Dr Zorko Marković). From 2014 participating in the project “Strategic use of landscape“(IP-11-2013-3700) (led by Dr Z. Marković) and from 2017 in the project “Iron production along the Drava River in the Roman period and the Middle Ages: Creation and transfer of knowledge, technologies and goods” (IP-06-2016-5047) (led by T. Sekelj Ivančan), both financed by Croatian Science Foundation. She participated in number of rescue and systematic excavations in Croatia and abroad. She was a principal investigator of various rescue and systematic excavations as well as geoarchaeological survey and geological sampling campaign in Slavonia in 2016 (in cooperation with Faculty of Geology, Warsaw University and Institute of Archaeology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw). She participated in the collection of samples of the sub-fossil wood in the areas of Orašje and Zagreb (Sava, Vrbas, Bosna and Krapina rivers) between 2009 and 2017 as part of the “Aegean (and Near Eastern) Dendrochronology Project“ (2009-2011), i.e. “The Balkan and Aegean Dendrochronology Project“ (2012 – present) led by The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona.
Her research interests include Neolithic and Early Eneolithic archaeology, settlement structures of Prehistoric communities as well as the monitoring of paleoclimate changes through the reconstruction of paleoenvironmental / paleoecological conditions and the adaptation of Prehistoric societies to these changes.
She has been involved in the work of both journals of the Institute since 2007 as part of the editorial board and as an administrator on the national journal portal Hrčak. She systematically works on monitoring the criteria for access to international databases and adjusting the Institute’s journals to these criteria.
Member of the Steering Board of the National INQUA Committee (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts).