Asja Tonc


Senior Research Associate

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Graduated in Archaeology and Italian Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. She started working at the Institute of Archaeology in 2008. In 2015 she defended her doctoral thesis entitled „Protohistoric communities in the northern part of the east Adriatic coast and its hinterland“ under supervision of dr. M. Dizdar. Since her first days at the institute she has participated in rescue field and systematic investigations, as well as a number of field surveys as part of studies on the impact of various infrastructural projects on cultural heritage.

Collaborator on the project “Development and mobility of protohistoric communities dwelling in the territory of continental Croatia“ (2009-2013), bilateral Croatian-Slovenian project “ Roman conquest of the area between south-eastern Alps and the Croatian part of the Danube valley (2014-2015) and project “FEMINE: Iron Age Female identities in the southern Carpathian Basin” (HRZZ, 2017-2021).

Her research interests focus on topics from the Late Iron Age and Romanisation, the identity of protohistoric communities, trade and exchange, ceramics and small metal finds in the areas of eastern Adriatic and southern Pannonia.


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