ARHINDOKS (Archaeological Information Documentation Centre) is a department that collects, processes, digitalizes and stores all the archaeological and related documentation collected during archaeological investigations, congresses and excursions since the founding of the Institute (26th January, 1961) till the present-day. ARHINDOKS is actively involved in the creation of new archaeological documentation by participating in the archaeological research of the Institute, and preparing it for publication. Expert associates also participate in the editing of journals, monographs and proceedings of the Institute.
The documentation material is organised in several archival collections: photographic archive, archive of aerial photographs, maps and plans archive, collection of topographic maps, archive of slides, manuscripts video library, and collection of reports from field investigations and surveys. External users gain access to a limited part of the documentation through requests.
Dr. Kristina Jelinčić Vučković, senior expert associate and head of ARHINDOKS
Archaeologist, Kristina Turkalj, senior expert associate